10 December 2016
John Adams' El Niño with Radio Filharmonisch Orkest
2:15 PM
The Royal Concertgebouw
Radio Filharmonisch Orkest
Groot Omroepkoor
Nationaal Kinderkoor
Markus Stenz - dirigent
Peter Dijkstra - koordirigent
Joélle Harvey - sopraan
Jennifer Cano - mezzosopraan
Aubrey Allicock - bariton
Daniel Bubeck - countertenor
Nathan Medley - countertenor
Brian Cummings - countertenor
The Concertgebouw’s famous Main Hall is one of the best concert halls in the world, well-known for its exceptional acoustics and special atmosphere. In the Main Hall, you will feel history. Here, Gustav Mahler conducted his own compositions, as did Richard Strauss and Igor Stravinsky. Sergei Rachmaninoff played his own piano concertos in the Main Hall. This is also where musicians such as Leonard Bernstein, Vladimir Horowitz and Yehudi Menuhin gave legendary performances. Right up to now, the Main Hall offers a stage to the world’s best orchestras and musicians. Buy your tickets now and experience the magic of the Main Hall for yourself!